Stress analysis of 88 stock fiero 5sp (getrag) flywheel (Static Clutch Compression with 400lb Clamping Force Clutch Spring)

Author: Nicholas SL Smith

Company: BJCANE

Date: 12Feb2005

  1. Introduction
  2. File Information
  3. Materials
  4. Load & Restraint Information
  5. Study Property
  6. Stress Results
  7. Strain Results
  8. Displacement Results
  9. Deformation Results
  10. Design Check Results
  11. Appendix

1. Introduction

Summarize the FEM analysis on 88 stock fiero 5sp (getrag) flywheel


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2. File Information

Model name: 88 stock fiero 5sp (getrag) flywheel
Model location: C:\Documents and Settings\nick\Desktop\ME 495\measured models\88 stock fiero 5sp (getrag) flywheel.sldprt
Results location: c:\temp
Study name: clutch compression (-Default-)

3. Materials

No. Part Name Material Mass Volume
1 88 stock fiero 5sp (getrag) flywheel Cast Alloy Steel 6.97455 kg 0.000955417 m^3

4. Load & Restraint Information

Restraint-1 <88 stock fiero 5sp (getrag) flywheel> on 1 Face(s) fixed.

Force-1 <88 stock fiero 5sp (getrag) flywheel> on 1 Face(s) apply normal force 400 lb using uniform distribution Sequential Loading
Force-2 <88 stock fiero 5sp (getrag) flywheel> on 6 Face(s) apply force 66.667 lb along axial. with respect to selected reference Flywheel Center using uniform distribution Sequential Loading

5. Study Property

Mesh Information
Mesh Type: Solid mesh
Mesher Used: Standard
Automatic Transition: Off
Smooth Surface: On
Jacobian Check: 4 Points
Element Size: 0.19392 in
Tolerance: 0.0096963 in
Quality: High
Number of elements: 64020
Number of nodes: 100029

Solver Information
Quality: High
Solver Type: FFEPlus
Option: Include Thermal Effects
Thermal Option: Input Temperature
Thermal Option: Reference Temperature at zero strain: 298 Kelvin

6. Stress Results

Name Type Min Location Max Location
Plot1 VON: von Mises stress
14634.7 N/m^2
Node: 97643
(0.747604 in,
0.17425 in,
-0.0599041 in)
4.45611e+006 N/m^2
Node: 74324
(-2.61449 in,
-2.28873e-016 in,
-4.46742 in)

88 stock fiero 5sp (getrag) flywheel-clutch compression-Stress-Plot1

7. Strain Results

Name Type Min Location Max Location
Plot1 ESTRN: Equivalent strain
Element: 42985
(0.447276 in,
0.219943 in,
-0.642843 in)
Element: 35577
(2.68189 in,
0.781677 in,
4.67464 in)

88 stock fiero 5sp (getrag) flywheel-clutch compression-Strain-Plot1

8. Displacement Results

Name Type Min Location Max Location
Plot1 URES: Resultant displacement
0 m
Node: 224
(0.796458 in,
1.05375e-009 in,
0.578625 in)
5.04027e-006 m
Node: 1024
(-5.59375 in,
0.738482 in,
6.85037e-016 in)

88 stock fiero 5sp (getrag) flywheel-clutch compression-Displacement-Plot1

9. Deformation Results

Plot No. Scale Factor
1 5674.6

88 stock fiero 5sp (getrag) flywheel-clutch compression-Deformation-Plot1

10. Design Check Results

88 stock fiero 5sp (getrag) flywheel-clutch compression-Design Check-Plot1

11. Appendix

Material name: Cast Alloy Steel
Material Source: Library files
Material Library Name: cosmos materials
Material Model Type: Linear Elastic Isotropic

Property Name Value Units Value Type
Elastic modulus 1.9e+011 N/m^2 Constant
Poisson's ratio 0.26 NA Constant
Shear modulus 7.8e+010 N/m^2 Constant
Mass density 7300 kg/m^3 Constant
Tensile strength 4.4808e+008 N/m^2 Constant
Yield strength 2.4128e+008 N/m^2 Constant
Thermal expansion coefficient 1.5e-005 /Kelvin Constant
Thermal conductivity 38 W/(m.K) Constant
Specific heat 440 J/(kg.K) Constant